The question: a personal and striking invitation

Employment agency Whoohoo wants to show that enjoying your work is a serious matter that they take seriously. And that starts with good contact and building a personal relationship. Commissioned by Whoohoo, PixioCard developed a striking video card with a personal video message. Depending on the target group – potential clients or candidates – the video message can be adjusted.

The result: a serious start to a pleasant working relationship

“When connecting highly educated employees to employers – in our case, working in technology, construction, chemistry and IT – it is important to give your business card to each other. We did this ourselves with this personal invitation via video card. Slightly larger than a traditional business card, but the idea is the same. A first for us, with which we also show potential relations that we take our profession seriously and want to tackle new instruments.”

More about PixioCard invitations

Want to know more about the possibilities?

Would you like to know more about using the PixioCard? For example, if video brochure, hand out after a company presentation or do you want the VideoBox use as a luxury gift box? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to think along with you, tell you more about the possibilities and the associated prices.

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